Actionable Insights for Crypto Derivatives

Comprehensive Bitcoin and Ethereum analytics for Spot, Options, Perps and Futures powered by InvestDEFY’s Data Science platform

Discover Actionable Insights that Fuel…

Trade Ideas

Gain a solid grasp of market conditions through actionable curated dashboards created by traders for traders.

Trade Expressions

What analytics should you be paying attention to that will help express the most effective risk/reward outcome.

Strategy Design

Inform your strategies with normalized and standardized data for 500+ unique metrics and analytics.

Actionable Insights Through
500+ Standard and Proprietary Metrics

Powered by InvestDEFY's Platform

Experienced derivative trader defined time series, delta and tenor charts.

100+ proprietary metrics built using our derivative market data
(spot, options, futures).

Curated dashboards developed by experienced traders.
Clone them to modify or create your own.

Download comprehensive historical data from every chart in CSV.

Access the full suite of data and analytics via our comprehensive Rest API.

Curated Dashboards for Trade Expressions

Spot Price

Spot Price Relative to Blockchain Activity
Options Analytics vs Spot Market
Perps/Futures Analytics vs Spot Market
Select Technical Analysis vs Spot Market
  Short-Term, Medium-Term, Long-Term

Realized Volatility

Realized Vol Overview
Realized Vol vs Option and Futures Markets
Realized Vol vs ATM 10/25 Delta Implied Vol
Realized Vol vs Technical Indicators

Options Implied Volatility

Multi-Tenor ATM Implied Vol vs 10/25 Delta
Constant Maturity 1w-6m Implied Vols
Term Structure, Smile, Risk Reversals, Butterflies, Gamma Levels
Implied Vol vs Various Technical Indicators
Implied Vol vs Futures Market Activity

Futures and Spreads

Multi-Tenor Futures Overview vs Buy/Sell Volume and OI

Multi-Tenor Futures and Spreads
Liquid Roll Futures vs Spot/Perps Spreads
Futures Activity Liquid Roll vs Volume and OI
Futures and Spreads Relative Values

Explore InvestDEFY Use Cases

The Smartest Derivatives Traders Use InvestDEFY

Having a platform that allows me to view vol structures, futures and spot prices in one location is excellent. Especially given screen real estate is at a premium, very useful.

Dan Stevenson

InvestDEFY has created a robust and dynamic analytical platform any investor can benefit from. It is easy on the eyes, user friendly and simple to navigate. I have yet to see any platform that can measure up.

Billy Krickl
35 yr sell side FX options trader

InvestDEFY’s platform is a must have in my toolkit. It simplifies the overwhelm of crypto data into useful analytics for active traders.

Mark Breault
25 yr sell side derivatives trader